Asset Class Recap for the Month
May was punctuated by higher Tech Stock prices, lower Energy Stock prices, and higher interest rates.
Growth and Value Stock prices headed in opposite directions in May, with Growth up 4.6% and Value down 3.9% - an unusually large spread in returns over a one month period. Growth Stocks have outperformed Value Stocks by 22.2% Year-To-Date, which has completely unwound Growth’s 21.6% relative underperformance during 2022.
Value Stock returns have been steadily lackluster for the last year and a half, while Growth Stock returns, which are much more economically sensitive, have been whipsawing up and down based on uncertain expectations. Drilling down to the sector level, Technology Stock prices increased sharply in May, returning 9.5% while Energy Stock prices lagged, returning –10.0%. Tech prices have run up on a bit of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) fever.
Websites that provide answers to user questions using the information on the world wide web have been around since the mid 1990’s, but the new trend for sites to understand and provide answers in “natural language” has caught the imagination of many investors, leading to sizeable price jumps for many software and hardware firms.
In contrast, oil prices peaked on June 8 last year at a price of $122.11 per barrel, but have fallen by 44%, to $68.09 at May 31 this year. Clearly this sort of price drop makes it much harder for energy companies to generate the types of profits that led them to return 55% in 2021 and 66% in 2022, and prices for oil producing stocks have been reacting accordingly.
International Stocks trailed U.S. Stocks by 4.6% last month. A majority of the performance delta between U.S. and International Stocks was due to currency impacts, not the actual local stock prices.
Higher yields on U.S. Bonds make U.S. Bonds and Dollars more attractive, and prompt foreign investors to buy Dollars, making our currency appreciate relative to other currencies (which is bad for our foreign stock returns).
Investments that are sensitive to interest rates performed relatively poorly last month, including; longer dated Bonds, Real Estate, Financials, and Utilities. The U.S. Federal Reserve raised its Federal Funds target rate by 0.25% on 5/4/23. This move was widely anticipated, but was an unpleasant, necessary move to continue combating inflation. The inflation reading for April was surprisingly high, showing an increase of 0.37% over March. The CPI-U reading was 302.918 at 4/30/23 vs 301.808 at 3/31/23. For the Fed to achieve its 2% annual inflation, monthly average inflation should be around +0.17% each month, so April was still too high for the Fed’s taste – increasing the probability (however slight) of additional Fed rate hikes in the next few months.
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Performance data shown represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investments involve risk, including the loss of principal. There can be no assurance that any financial strategy will be successful. This commentary contains certain forward-looking statements. We may use words such as “expects”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, and similar expressions to identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results to differ materially and/or substantially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by those projected in the forward-looking statements for any reason.
Investment management and financial advice offered by Advyzon Investment Management is intended for citizens or legal residents of the United States or its territories. Investing in securities involves risks, including but are not limited to; currency risk, political risk, geographic risk, concentration risk, custody risk, asset class risk, management risk, market risk, operational risk, passive investment risk, securities lending risk, tracking error risk, tax risk, valuation risk, and infectious illness risk. Investing in emerging markets may increase these risks. Emerging markets are countries with relatively young stock and bond markets. Typically, emerging-markets investments have the potential for losses and gains larger than those of developed-market investments. A debt security refers to money borrowed that must be repaid that has a fixed amount, a maturity date(s), and usually a specific rate of interest. Some debt securities are discounted in the original purchase price. Examples of debt securities are treasury bills, bonds and commercial paper. The borrower pays interest for the use of the money and pays the principal amount on a specified date. High yield debt (non-investment grade or junk bonds) can be more risky than higher rated debt, typically has a higher default rate than investment grade and treasury debt, and high yield funds can lose principal.
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“CRSP” stands for Center for Research in Security Prices. Part of the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, the CRSP is a nonprofit organization that is used by academic, commercial, and government agencies to access information such as price, dividends, and rates of returns on stocks.
The indexes noted are unmanaged and cannot be directly invested in. Individual index performance is provided as a reference only. Since indexes and/or composition levels may change over time, actual return and risk characteristics may be higher or lower than those presented. Although index performance data is gathered from reliable sources, Advyzon Investment Management cannot guarantee its accuracy, completeness or reliability.